Monday, May 4, 2009

Lazy Sunday

We had a lazy Sunday this past week. It was still rainy and a little on the chilly side. We were so excited about the offer on the house so we decided to take a Sunday drive and show Baby Cora and Aunt Robin the house we were looking to buy. I got to use one of Cora's Newborn sized outfits that I thought she would never be able to wear. It is a warmer outfit and I thought we would have to put it away due to the weather this time of year. I was wrong! It was such a cute outfit and she had it on for about 10 minutes before she had one of the dirtiest diapers I have ever seen, EVER! I change a lot of diapers at work and I have never seen one like this before! We had to take a bath and make a wardrobe change before we could get out the door. We were all very excited to see the poo though, it had been about 24 hours since her last poo, out of the ordinary for this very regular, breastfed baby!!

What a pretty girl! Just before she had to change her clothes!!

Outfit No. 2...still looking pretty cute!

Getting ready to watch the Rangers' game with Dad

Playing with her Activity Gym before bed


Erica said...

She is so stinking cute! Tristan had poo up to the tag on the back of his onesie once. It was lovely =P

Mimi Carol said...

She looks beautiful in all the outfits. I love the one of her and Matt, they've both got their faces turned and look just alike. She definitly Mattt's mini-me.

MichaelandJaclynn said...

She is adorable!! I love the Pretty outfit! Too cute :)