So, that brings us to today. Robin and I picked up our newest family member this afternoon at Jan's new apartment. I have to say, it was one of the saddest things I have done in quite some time. Gizmo hasn't just been Jan's pet for the past 5 years, he has been her constant companion and best friend. Most importantly, he has been her eyes and has kept her from danger. Gizmo was Jan's roomate and friend when she went through her divorce a few years ago. Needless to say, Jan was very upset when we picked him up today. Robin and I were both crying and hugging Jan. I don't know how you can ever give up your pet, but in Jan's case she had to, she needs to get ready for her new, younger guide dog. Please pray for Jan over the next few weeks, she is really going to have a hard time adjusting to life without Gizmo.
Gizmo and Jack have spent a weekend together before but we were still nervous about their meeting. Gizmo is a lot older than Jack, he is 9 years old, Jack is barely one. Everyone who knows Jack knows that he has neverending energy. This is a little overwhelming for Gizmo, but I have to say, they LOVE each other! They have started back where they left off and I believe they are going to be best buddies! Jack is SO happy! I am posting some pics of the new brothers.
Gizmo on the left, Jack on the right