Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

2009 is going to be great. I feel like I have a lot to look forward to. Another year with my husband and family, most importantly, the arrival of our newest family member. In addition to my friends Melissa, Stephanie and Teri all having babies within a few weeks of Cora, we also have a little nephew on the way. It's going to be so much fun!!

Christmas was fun. We spent the day at my cousins Abby and Nathan's beautiful old house in Ft. Worth. I got a lot of cool stuff. I got the sweetest necklace from Matt and Mom and Dad got us a camcorder.

I have my next sonogram tomorrow but I don't have my doctor's appointment until Monday when Dr. Norwood will be back in town. I will be 25 weeks on Saturday, so this visit will include my Glucose Challenge along with going over the results of the sonogram. I am nervous about the Glucose Challenge. I really hope I pass and that I don't have Gestational Diabetes. I am sure I will be fine, but I have gained 30 lbs(!!!), so we will see what the good doctor says!

I am bringing my camera to the sono tomorrow and I have made a New Year's resolution to start taking more pictures during the pregnancy. Stay tuned!! Everyone can see my extra pounds! :)


Stephanie and Jeff Stovall said...

I had no idea that everyone is blogging! This is great, so that I can keep updated with everything! We need to get a video camera also so that when the baby comes we can catch everything...great idea! Keep us updated about Cora's kidneys...I am sure it is fine, but we all know how NICU nurses are...every little thing can be very upsetting. But it sounds like you are trucking along well! Post some sono pics!!!!!

MichaelandJaclynn said...

I need to see belly pictures!!